Performance Coaching Endorsement for David Calloway
David Calloway, Performance Coach
It was 10 PM the night before I was to tape a big-time TV pilot. Even though I've been working on camera for two years, the script I was supposed to have memorized still wasn't working for me. As I could feel the panic rising, I called David for some performance coaching. And somehow, by midnight I was relaxed and ready.
How did he do it? David is a warm, encouraging, and skilled coach, as well as a great communicator. He boosted my confidence, got me laser-focused on my core message, and helped me find the right words and images to bridge my love for cooking with my love for the audience. My heart, mind, and talent were all working together, and the taping went just great. I will definitely hire David again!
Sheri DeMaris: Creator, Producer, and Host of TV shows on healthy cooking and living, including Tea with Sheri and Macro for the Mainstream.